Game Studies - Exercises: Series of Investigations

25.4.2024 - 6.6.2024 / Week 01 - Week 07
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Intercultural Design / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Exercises: Series of Investigations


Exercises: Series of Investigation
Exercise 1: My Favourite Video Game
Exercise 2: Non-digital to Digital: Evolution and Remediating This Game

Further Reading


Exercises: Series of Investigation
These exercises are aimed to deepen our understanding of game studies by reflecting on personal gaming experiences and exploring the evolution of games from non-digital to digital formats. Through these activities, we will enhance our ability to critically analyse games, appreciate their historical contexts, and understand the processes involved in remediating traditional games into digital forms. These exercises are designed to foster analytical thinking, improve presentation skills, and encourage engagement with the diverse facets of game development and history.

Exercise 1: My Favourite Video Game
In the first exercise, we are to share and discuss your favourite video game. The presentation should cover why this game stands out, including aspects such as gameplay mechanics, narrative, graphics etc. This exercise helps to articulate my gaming preferences and analyse the elements that contribute to a game's appeal. By sharing my thoughts, I will also gain insights into different perspectives and preferences within the gaming community.
Fig 1.1. Exercise 1 Presentation - MOV
To be honest, I rarely engage with games, whether traditional or modern, and have seldom shown interest in them. However, one night my friend told me that Overcooked! was free on Steam and urged me to download it. It was then that I truly began playing a game as an adult. I discovered that I actually enjoy playing games because they are cherished memories I share with my friends.

Exercise 2: Non-digital to Digital: Evolution and Remediating This Game
For this exercise, we will select a traditional non-digital game (e.g., a board game, card game, or outdoor game) and trace its evolution into a digital format. The presentation should include a brief background of the original game, key changes and adaptations made during its digital transition, and an analysis of how these changes have impacted gameplay and player experience. The objective of this exercise is to understand the process of remediation and the challenges and opportunities it presents. 

Fig 1.2. Exercise 2 Presentation - MOV
I have chosen Werwolves as my topic because during MCO, I tend to play it online literally every night. I made a lot of friends from different region, and some of them are still remaining contact! I have not play it since the end of MCO due to busy on studies, however I still remember and love the memories we made.







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