
Advanced Interactive Design - Task 2: Interaction Design Planning and Prototype

22 .5.2024 - 23.6.2024 / Week 05 - Week 09 Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285 Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor  of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Task  2: Interaction Design Planning and Prototype LIST L ectures Lecture 3: Text Animation Task 2: Interaction Design Planning and Prototype A. Moodboard B. User Flow C. Prototype Final Presentation Reflections Further Reading INSTRUCTION LECTURES L ecture 3: Text Animation In Week 6, we tend to have a chance to learn to animate text. Animating Text in Adobe Animate Published Text Animation Exercise: Back to top

Application Design I - Exercises

20.5.2024 - 3.6.2024 / Week 05 - Week 07 Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285 Application Design I / Bachelor  of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Exercises LIST Lectures refer to  Task 1  and Task 2 . Exercise 1: Card Sorting Method INSTRUCTION Exercise 1: Card Sorting Method 20.5.2024 / Week 05 Fig 1.1. Exercise 1 - Group Activity After the lecture class, Mr. Zeon group us by table in class to execute the card sorting method of the function of a travel app. We have to categorised the features given and name them with an appropriate topic. Then, we need to come up with a wildcard, which is a new category of the essential features of a travel app that is not mentioned in the list. Fig 1.2. Features of A Travel App In our group,  Cai Yi, Guan Mei and I manage to come out with a several general topic first before categorising them.  Samiha became the moderator to observe our choices of grouping the features and ask questions while necessary. She gave us some good ideas like suggesting the destination

Application Design I - Task 2: UI/UX Design Document

20.5.2024 - 3.6.2024 / Week 05 - Week 09 Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285 Application Design I / Bachelor  of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Task 2 / UI/UX Design Document LIST Lectures   Lecture 1-3 refer to Task 1 . Lecture 4: Card Sorting Method A. Card Sorting B. Online Questionnaire and Interview Questions C. User Research D. User Persona E. Findings  INSTRUCTION LECTURES Lecture 4: Card Sorting Method Card Sorting A powerful method to understand how users group and categorise information. Helps to determine an organisation scheme that aligns with users' mental models. Informs