Interactive Design - Lectures and Exercises

28.8.2023 - 16.10.2023 / Week 01 - Week 08
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Interactive Design / 
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Lectures and Exercises


Lecture 1: Usability
  • The effectivity, efficient, and successfulness a particular user can utilise a product or design in a certain situation
  • User are able to achieve objective easily without relying expert knowledge
  • Key principle of Usability: Consistency, Simplicity, Visibility, Feedback and Error Prevention
A. Consistency
Consistency in web design is crucial for creating a seamless and intuitive user experience by ensuring uniformity in all website elements, preventing user frustration and facilitating pattern recognition, such as consistent button appearances and familiar icon meanings like the backward arrow for the back button.

B. Simplicity
The principle of simplicity in user interfaces involves minimising steps, using clear symbols and terminology, and reducing the chance of errors to enhance user experience and help users achieve their goals efficiently. 

C. Visibility

Users should know, just by looking at an interface, what their options are and how to access them.

D. Feedback
Feedback communicates the results of any interaction, rendering it both visible and comprehensible.

E. Error Prevention
We humans are prone to- and will always make mistakes.

Lecture 2: Understanding Website Structure
Website structure 3 key elements: Header, Body, Footer.

  • Top section of webpage
  • Contains logo, navigation menu and contact information
  • Main content area
  • Contains multimedia elements like links, text, images, videos, C2A buttons etc.
  • Proper organisation is important for readability
  • Bottom of a webpage
  • Contains copyright information, links to important page and contact details
  • Webpage closure / additional navigation options

Organising Content - Logical grouping and clear labelling
Navigation Menu - Clear and concise labels for menu items, considering dropdown menus for complex sites

Lecture 4: The Web and Language
Web structures with sequence, and different font sizes.

1. Headings
  • Up to six levels
2. Paragraph



3. List
  • Ordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Nested List

4. Links
  • Needs attribute: href
  • Attribute 
    • ONLY added in open tags
    • property + "value"
  • Link to a new tab: <a href="link" target="_blank">text</a>
5. Images

Week 4 Tutorial: My 1st Web Page
We used Text Edit to create a html page. Mr. Shamsul teached us all the formula step-by-step. After creating a new document, we first have to set the format to make it a plain text to enable html page, then wrap to page.


Web Page View

Lecture 5: HTML & CSS

ID and Class attribute

  • ID attribute (=student id)
    • Unique - no two element have same ID value

  • Class 
    • All elements can have class attribute
    • Lowercase text only, no numbers

Block element (block level element)

  • Always appear in a new line
  • Each new element will take up the whole space in the webpage
  • Exp: <h1> <p> 

Inline element - opposite of block element 

  • Appears continue on the same line
  • Exp: <img> <a> <em>


  • Allows to create sets of rule to your html
  • Change background colour, typeface, font size etc.
  • A CSS rule contains 2 parts: selector + declaration
  • Type out: Use { } to type your style declaration - specify it’s CSS

Selector: Which element that rule applies to. (All the html element that u want to change )

Declaration: How the elements referred to in the selector should be styled.

Property: value;

Exp: font-family: Arial;

          Color: yellow;

Lecture 6: CSS Selector

  • Target & style HTML elements
  • Define which elements should receive specific styles (colours, fonts, spacing etc.)
  • Enable to control the presentation and layout of a web page
  1. Universal Selector

  • Select all elements on the page 
  • Presented by an asterisk (*)
  1. Element Selector

  • Simplest type of selector
  • Targets elements by their tag name

  1. ID Selector

  • Targets with a specific id attribute
  • IDs must be unique within an HTML doc
  • Use # symbol followed by ID name

  1. Class Selector

  • Targets with a specific class attribute
  • Use . Symbol followed by class name
  1. Descendant Selector

  • Selects an element that is a descendant of another element
  • Specify a hierarchy of elements targeted

  1. Child Selector

  • Selects element that are direct children of another element
  • Use >

  1. Pseudo-class Selector

  • Selects elements based on their state / position in relation to other elements
  • Common pseudo-class: :hover, :active, :link, :focus, :nth-child(n)

  1. Pseudo-element Selector

  • Selects parts of an element rather than the element itself
  • Common pseudo-element: ::before, ::after (used to add content before / after an element)

Reason of having selectors:

A. Structure

B. Attribute-based selection 

C. Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements

D. Responsive Design

E. Stateful Interactions

F. Cross-browser compatibility

G. Ease of maintenance

H. Accessibility (readability & usability)

Lecture 7: Box Model



Exercise 1 - Web Analysis

We were instructed to choose 2 websites from the link given: CSSWinner, observing its strengths and weakness and write a brief report in 500 words.

Fig 1.1.1. Web Analysis Submission

Exercise 2 - Web Replication

Objective: Your task is to replicate TWO (2) existing main pages of the websites given in the link below to gain a better understanding of their structure. Choose any two from the link given. Follow the dimensions of the existing website from the width and height. This exercise will help you develop your design skills using software such as Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, and gain insights into web design best practices. You can use any image from stock image or free stock icon. The image that you will be using does not have to be an exact image from the original website. You may replace it with a similar image. Focus on the layout, type style, and color style. To find similar typefaces/fonts, you can download fonts from Google Fonts. You may need to screengrab the website and can begin to replicate the page. 

Website 1: Morgan Stanley
I took a screen grab of the website to begin the page replication. 
Fig 2.1.1. Screengrab of Morgan Stanley website 
My first step is to find a similar font with the website typeface. The original logo typeface has a sans serif characteristic, I changed a lot of font to make comparison and ended up with Sarabun, downloaded in Google Fonts.
Fig 2.1.2. Logo Typeface Comparison
*Top: Sarabun, Bottom: Original Typeface*

As the cover page is a short video, so I decided to download a tennis picture from Pexels to correspond the topic.
Fig 2.1.3. Original Website Cover Page

Fig 2.1.4. Replacing Image

There're few different typeface used in this website. In the navigation bar, I am using Mukta Mahee, and drew the search button with a pen tool.
Fig 2.1.5. Navigation Bar Typeface Comparison
*Top: Mukta Mahee, Bottom: Original Typeface*

Then I am using Montserrat (sub-title) and Geologica (title) for the cover button.
Fig 2.1.6. Cover Button Typeface Comparison
*Top: Montserrat & Geologica, Bottom: Original Typeface*

Also I used the pen tool to draw the graphic elements.
Fig 2.1.7. Graphic Elements

Finally, I adjusted all the kerning and spacing of the text.
Fig 2.1.8. Outline View #1

Fig 2.1.9. Outline View #2

Fig 2.1.10. Outline View #3

Final Website 1 Submission
Fig 2.1.11. Web Replication Submission - Morgan Stanley

Website 2: Ocean Health Index

Fig 2.2. Web Replication Submission - Ocean Health Index

Exercise: Creating a Recipe Card

Objective: In this exercise, you will create a recipe card using HTML and CSS. The goal is to design a basic webpage that displays a recipe's ingredients and instructions in a visually appealing format.

1. Create an HTML file named "index.html."
2. Create a section that displays the following information:
  • Recipe title
  • Include necessary images for the page
  • List of ingredients
  • Step-by-step cooking instructions
3. Create an external CSS file named "style.css."
4. Apply CSS rules to style your recipe card.
5. Use CSS selectors such as element selectors (e.g., body, h1, ul), class selectors (e.g., .recipe-title, .ingredient-list), and ID selectors (e.g., #instructions) to style different parts of the card.

1. Research
First I Google searched for some recipe website to look for good reference.

Fig 3.1.1. allrecipes website
One thing I didn't think about putting it in my website is the like and save button. It's a useful function and it did enhance user experience.

Fig 3.1.2. Simply Recipes website
In most of the recipe websites, the author includes a nutrition bar at the bottom of the recipe. 

I decided to create a recipe of a Chinese cuisine, tomato egg stir fry.

Stage 1: HTML
Web Page View
Fig 3.2.1. Web Page View - JPG

HTML File View

Fig 3.2.2. Main heading HTML

Fig 3.2.3. Recipe Introduction HTML

Fig 3.2.4. Ingredient List HTML

Fig 3.2.5. Step-by-step Instruction and Image HTML

Fig 3.2.6. QNA Session HTML

Fig 3.2.7. Nutrition List HTML

Stage 2: CSS
Web Page View
Fig 3.3.1. Header 

Fig 3.3.2. Recipe Introduction

Fig 3.3.3. Ingredients List

Fig 3.3.4. Step-by-step Instructions and Images

Fig 3.3.5. QNA Session

Fig 3.3.6. Nutritions Bar

CSS File View

Fig 3.3.7. CSS used in header
To be honest, I don't know what is the effect of the second CSS code. I was just trying everything and see what is working. This helps for me to learn faster rather than just following the lectures. I tend to figure out what I am doing.

Fig 3.3.8. CSS used in Introduction

Fig 3.3.9. CSS used in Ingredients List

Fif 3.3.10. CSS used in Nutritions List

Final Recipe Card

Fig 3.3.11. Final Recipe Card
