Interactive Design - Project 3: Creating a Single-Page Website for Your Favourite Artist

28.8.2023 - 27.11.2023 / Week 08 - Week 14
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 3: Creating a Single-Page Website for Your Favourite Artist


1. Ideation
2. Research



Project 3: Creating a Single-Page Website for Your Favourite Artist

In this task, we have to craft a compelling single-page website devoted to your most admired artist.This project will help to develop our web design and development skills while allowing us to showcase our passion for the artist of our choice.

Project Requirements:
  • Artist Selection: Choose your favorite artist as the subject of your website. It can be a musician, painter, actor, or any other creative individual or group. Ensure you have a genuine interest in the artist, as this will help you create a more engaging website.
  • Content
    • Header with the artist's name and a brief tagline.
    • Introduction: Provide an overview of the artist's background and why you admire them.
    • Gallery: Showcase images, videos, or other multimedia related to the artist's work.
    • Biography: Include a brief biography or description of the artist's life and career.
    • Contact Information: If applicable, include contact details or links to the artist's social media profiles.
  • Design Elements:
    • Choose a colour scheme and fonts that reflect the artist's style or your personal taste.
    • Ensure a visually appealing layout with a balanced use of text and multimedia.
    • Create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes (mobile-friendly).
  • Navigation: Implement smooth scrolling navigation or a simple menu that allows users to jump to different sections of the page.
  • Interactivity: Consider adding interactive elements such as image sliders, hover effects, or lightboxes for multimedia content.
1. Ideation
My favourite artist is Jackson Yee, a Chinese actor, singer and dancer.
Fig 1.1. Artist chosen - Jackson Yee

I chose a grey as the website's main colour scheme, probably adding some red accents because it is his favourite colour. A worth-mentioning point is: Jackson has his own website that he created himself for fans to share anything with him. My idea is to mimic his style to increase the representative of my website.

Jackson's Website: (might have updated recently)

Fig 1.2. Jackson's Website Home Page

The font I have chosen is Red Hat Display, while its Sans Serif characteristic reflects to the artist style, surprisingly its name matches with him too. Font was downloaded from Google Fonts.
Fig 1.3. Red Hat Display
2. Research
I first find some examples on Pinterest. Mr. Shamsul also provided some good examples for reference.
Fig 2.1. Visual References
3. Sketch
Then I sketch out the draft of my idea. There's a navigation bar on the top, then a 100% width image as the cover, following with the background content. This sketch is a non-revised version, in the end I will change the sequence of the description and latest movies releases part.
Fig 3.1. Sketch
4. Digitalisation
A. Header
In the beginning I created a box for the navigation bar, however it seems not visual appealing with the layout. Therefore I fit it in the cover page.
Fig 4.1.1. Navigation Bar Attempts

For the home page cover, I used position: absolute to position the title and tagline but they are overlaying in the minimised website. 
Fig 4.1.2. Text Overlaying

To address this issue, I edit the image in Adobe Illustrator.
Fig 4.1.3. Editing Home Page in Adobe Illustrator


Fig 4.1.4. Header - HTML View

CSS View

Fig 4.1.5. Header - CSS View
B. Background
I wrote out my article after doing some research: 
Jackson Yi Yang Qian Xi (易烊千玺), commonly known as Jackson Yee, is a Chinese actor, singer, and dancer. He was born on November 28, 2000, in Huaihua, Hunan, China. Jackson Yee gained widespread recognition and popularity as a member of the Chinese boy band TFBOYS, which he joined in 2013. I greatly admire Jackson Yee not only for his remarkable talent but also for his exceptional attitude and unwavering dedication throughout his career. What sets him apart is not just his success, but the sincere and romantic ways in which he expresses his appreciation for his fans. Jackson Yee goes beyond mere words, employing heartfelt and creative gestures to convey his love, making each interaction truly heart-touching. His genuine approach and the passion he puts into his craft inspire me, showcasing that success is not just about talent, but also about hard work, humility, and a genuine connection with those who support you.


Fig 4.2.1. Background - HTML View

CSS View

Fig 4.2.2. Background - CSS View
C. Achievements
This part is to introduce the artist's achievement in his actor genre. I've encountered the same issue as the home page image.
Fig 4.3.1. Text Overlaying

Fig 4.3.2. Editing Achievement Image in Adobe Illustrator


Fig 4.3.3. Achievements - HTML View
D. About
For this part, I wish to write an article to describe his career: 
From 2005 to 2012, Jackson Yee embarked on his entertainment journey, initially as a child star in various variety programs. In 2009, he joined the former Chinese idol group Fashion Youngsters, departing in 2011. Jackson made his acting debut in 2010 with the television series "Iron Pear" and later participated in the reality talent show "Up Young" in 2012, catching the attention of TF Entertainment. Before joining TFBOYS, he released his first solo single, "Dream Skyscraper." The years 2013-2016 marked Jackson's official debut with TFBoys and solo ventures, including voicing the main character in the Chinese dub of "The Little Prince." His career gained mainstream popularity from 2017 to 2021, with notable achievements such as starring in historical dramas, establishing his independent studio, and releasing English language singles. In 2019, he earned the Best New Performer Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in the youth romance film "Better Days." Subsequently, Yee continued to diversify his career with roles in dramas and films, including "Forward Forever" and "The Battle at Lake Changjin." His involvement in promoting the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay reflects his continued influence and engagement in various projects.


Fig 4.4.1. About - HTML View

CSS View

Fig 4.4.2. About - CSS View
E. Gallery
As I mentioned that this web page is mainly focusing on the artist's actor career. The gallery will be showcasing his projects. I learned how to create a scrollable gallery from 30 seconds of code.

Fig 4.5.1. Editing Movie Poster in Adobe Illustrator


Fig 4.5.2. Gallery - HTML View

CSS View

Fig 4.5.3. Gallery - CSS View
F. Footer
In the footer, I create a text box for users to enter their email to subscribe to my website. Below of it I am placing some contact icon to link to the artist's social media profiles. I was thinking to put on Lightbox to the icon but it doesn't work because I couldn't figure out the icon stuff and I was using images instead.

Fig 4.6.1. Footer - HTML View

CSS View

Fig 4.6.2. Footer - CSS View
Final Project 3: Creating a Single-Page Website for Your Favourite Artist

  • Mobile View
Fig 5.1. Final Website Mobile View
  • Laptop View
Fig 5.2. Final Website Laptop View


    Making a basic website for my favorite artist was a cool learning adventure. I got to do the actual work of creating and designing a website. It was sometimes hard, but I learned a lot about how websites come together.

    I noticed how the colors I picked for the website, like black, gray, and a bit of red, made a big difference. These colors not only matched what my artist likes but also made the website look good. Looking at my artist's own fan website gave me great ideas too. Copying some parts of their site made my website feel familiar and friendly.

    One big thing I found out was that copying and making things personal in web design is powerful. By using some ideas from my artist's fan website, I made a connection with the audience. Also, I saw how important it is to choose colors that match the artist's style. This project helped me understand how to make a website that not only shows stuff but also feels right for the person it's about.
    In the end, doing this project not only taught me techie stuff but also showed me how important it is to make a website that feels like it belongs to the person it's about. It was a hands-on experience that made me see the fun and thoughtfulness in creating a digital space that really fits its subject.
