Intercultural Design - Project 1: Proposal

5.2.2024 - 19.2.2024 / Week 01 - Week 03
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Intercultural Design / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 1 / Proposal



Project 1: Proposal



Lecture 1: Culture and Design

Design Significance
Designers need to be aware of cultural nuances, symbolism, and context to create inclusive designs that resonate with diverse audiences.
Design Significance
Design System
Design System

Design Sensitivity
Culture Sensitivity Awareness
  • Symbolism and Imagery: Designers should be mindful of cultural interpretations of symbols and images to avoid misunderstandings or offense.
  • Color Considerations: Colors carry cultural significance and their meanings differ across societies. Designers benefit from understanding these cultural associations to make suitable choices.
  • Typography and Language: It emphasizes choosing culturally appropriate fonts, styles, and accurate translations to effectively reach diverse audiences.
Addressing Cultural Sensitivity
  • Inclusive Design: Designers should aim for inclusive products and experiences that cater to people from diverse cultural backgrounds and with different abilities and needs.
  • User Research: User research, including ethnographic studies and diverse group testing, helps designers understand cultural preferences and behaviors.
  • Localisation: Localising designs to specific cultures boosts product relevance and acceptance.
  • Cultural Awareness Training: Cultural awareness training helps design teams understand diverse perspectives and sensitivities.
Lecture 2: Culture, Design and Research

Research process
1. Before writing a proposal
  • Secondary findings: Data collected through published and existing resources
    • Wikipedia (websites), YouTube documentaries, design sources, inspiration
  • Primary findings: Sketches of proposed artworks based on your research from secondary findings
    • Sketches, storyboards, wireframe
2. After writing a proposal
  • Primary findings: Data collected by team
    • On-site observation, interviews / surveys
3. During the creation of artwork
  • Final design production of your artwork - process and team contribution
  • Data collected through published and existing resources

Project 1: Proposal

We were tasked to create a proposal to state out our ideas after forming a group for further usage of final design. This proposal has to be supporter by research and facts. At first we were given a general theme which is "Cultural Sensitivity in Design" but as some of my classmates and I are going to a study trip in Osaka, we have to choose to study Japanese culture in this task.

1. Self-exploration
Before we form a group in Week 2 physical class, we were requested to do some exploration on the given theme. Here is some breakdown of some key categories of Japanese culture:

A. Arts
Fig 1.1. Ikebana - flower arranging
  • Traditional arts: Ikebana, Sadō (tea ceremony), Shodō (calligraphy) and Origami
  • Painting, sculpture, pottery 
  • Performing arts: Bunraku (puppet theatre), Rakugo (comic storytelling)

B. Cuisine

  • Washoku: Japanese cuisine known for its fresh and seasonal ingredients with beautiful presentation. Examples: sushi, udon, tofu, tsukemono etc.
  • Matcha plays a significant role in Japanese culture and tea ceremonies are refined art form.
Fig 1.2. Tea Ceremony in Japan

C. Fashion
  • Kimono: A traditional Japanese garment worn on formal occasion or festivals
  • Tokyo is known for its vibrant street fashion, including Lolita, Mori Kei, Decora Kei etc.

D. Pop Culture
  • Anime and Manga: Japanese animation and comics
  • Classic video games
  • J-Pop / J-Rock
As Taylor's University is always emphasising the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) to students since I enrolled, I decided to suggest my group mate of designing a sustainable packaging design for Japanese products. It doesn't limit in food or drinks, my major idea is to design an eco-friendly packaging solutions for Japanese consumer goods, incorporating traditional motifs, patterns, and materials while prioritising sustainability and recyclability.

2. Group Discussion
In Week 2, we finally form a group and we created a Google Document for us to write our ideas on. Our group leader, Jie Xuan, asked each of us to suggest at least one.

Fig 2.1. Proposal Draft - PDF

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3. Proposal
1. Convey this cultural aspect without altering the actual facts but within a presentable interpretation and adaptation that raises awareness from the viewers.
2. Provide some preliminary ideas on 
how to visually express your interpretation using design language. Each idea is to be supported by a 200 words rationale. Conduct visual research to help expand your idea generation.
3. Provide three sketches.
4. Present the proposal in a pre-recorded video - 10 minutes.

Document of Proposal :
After presenting our ideas, we collectively agreed that the themes of packaging and ghost cultures were of mutual interest to all of us. Subsequently, we assigned tasks, completed the proposal, and presented it to our lecturer. Upon review, she advised us to integrate both themes into our project.

Fig 3.1. Document of Proposal

Final Proposal

Fig 3.2. Final Proposal - PDF

Final Presentation Video

YouTube Video Link:

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Week 1
At the very beginning week, we consulted Ms.Anis to seek guidance from Ms. Anis to discuss our preliminary ideas and gain insights into potential research areas, particularly focusing on Japanese cultures.

Week 2
We consulted the idea of Ghost cultures and she asked us to proceed with researching and bring up to presentation.

Week 3
Upon reviewing our Group Proposal, Ms. Anis suggested a more focused title to narrow down our research: "Yokai Delights: Snack Sensations and Packaging Designs Inspired by Japanese Folklore"

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Following discussions with my groupmates, we collectively decided to shift our focus to exploring Japanese ghost cultures. This decision stemmed from our shared fascination with delving deeper into the supernatural beliefs and folklore that are deeply ingrained in Japanese society. Transitioning from researching Japanese weddings to immersing ourselves in Japanese ghost cultures has been an enthralling journey, especially as it's a new topic for me. I've been captivated by the depth and complexity of Japanese folklore surrounding ghosts and spirits.

Despite each of us having different approaches to exploring Osaka, we successfully delegated tasks with clear communication and tolerance. During our visit, we observed the interconnectedness of folklore, history, and societal norms in shaping Japanese beliefs about the supernatural. This highlighted the rich tapestry of influences that contribute to the fascinating world of Japanese ghost cultures.

By delving into the intricacies of Japanese ghost cultures, we gained a deeper appreciation for the interplay between tradition, imagination, and collective memory in shaping cultural identities. This journey illuminated the intricate web of influences that shape the Japanese worldview and underscored the significance of supernatural beliefs in understanding the country's cultural landscape.

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