Video and Sound Production - Project 2: Production Shoot Video & TikTok/Insta Video

20.9.2023 - 20.10.2023 / Week 04 - Week 08
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 2 /  Production Shoot Video & TikTok/Insta Video


Project 2A: Production Shoot Video

Project 2B: Insta Video


Project 2A: Production Shoot

For this project, we were divided to groups and given an existing trailer to replicate. My group was instructed to replicate the trailer of Beef.


Introduce to Production Team:

Producer: alefiya 
Director: Asma
Assistant Director 1: Liew Xiao Hui
Assistant Director 2: Gam Jze Shin
Art Director: Ng Jia Ern

D.O.P: Ameera
Camera Assistant 1:  Tan Zhao Yi
Camera Assistant 2: Janice
Lighting crew 1: Tan Jie Ying
Lighting crew 2: Kelly Lau
Location Sound:wee lun
Boom operator: Sim Jian Xiong

Actor 1: Wang Zilong
Actor 2: Johnny


Fig 1.1.1. Storyboard
Fig 1.2.1. Behind the Scene
Following guidance from Mr. Martin on equipment usage, our group initiated the production shooting on campus. Prior to commencement, we engaged in a shooting practice session to enhance our skills and preparedness. As a camera assistant, I mainly control the camera. I really enjoy it and this is the best chance to apply my knowledge of shot size in Lecture 2.
FIg 1.2.2. Footages
After shooting together, we were required to choose and download the footages and audio ourselves and edit them in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Fig 1.3.1. Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro

During Lecture 5, we learned colour correction and colour grading and applied in this project. I was struggling with the colour tone as the original version is in warm tone but our lighting was in cold tone due to the time we shoot. In the end I tried my best to adjust the colour.
Fig 1.3.2. Colour Correction and Colour Grading

I personally screen recorded the Netflix transition in and out and added them in the opening and ending to make it more similar to the original trailer.
Fig 1.3.3. Netflix Opening

Final Project 2A: Production Shoot Video

Fig 1.4.1. Final Production Shoot Video

YouTube Link:
Project 2B: Insta Video

We were instructed to create a self-titled video and post it on TikTok or Instagram. I chose Instagram because I don't have a TikTok account, and I am not familiar with what is trending on TikTok which will affect my outcome.

First Mr. Martin asked us to fill up a PowerPoint with our ideation.

1. Introduction (Self-titled)

My name is Zhao Yi, hailing from Klang. I find joy in cafe-hopping, immersing myself in the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and discovering cozy nooks around the city. But that's not all – I'm also deeply connected to my cultural roots as a 24 festive drum player. It's a passion that lets me express myself in ways words can't. I'm a super introvert by nature. Yet, there's an inner fire that drives me to try things I've never tried before, pushing me beyond my comfort zone. You'll often find me seeking solace in quiet places, where I can recharge and reflect. And speaking of dreams, my ultimate aspiration is to step foot in the otherworldly landscapes of Iceland, a place that resonates with my longing for tranquility and adventure. A fun fact about me: I love watching Barbie movies! 

2. Ideation
Description: In the self-titled video, I'm excited to share a part of myself that's always yearned to break free from my comfort zone. The Y2K aesthetic isn't just about fashion and visuals; it's a reflection of the inner me that's constantly seeking new horizons and challenges. It embodies the courage to step into uncharted territory, just as I've done on my personal journey. And, I will be using Barbie hot pink as a symbol of the enthusiastic spirit within me. It represents the child in me who held onto her dreams with sheer determination, refusing to let go of her original intentions. Just as Barbie symbolizes limitless possibilities and ambitions, I've carried those childhood dreams with me into adulthood. Overall, it's more than just a look; it's a symbol of my journey towards self-discovery.

3. Moodboard
Fig 2.1.1. Moodboard

4. Visual References 
  • Screenshots from The Visual Album and Imperfection by Beyoncé
Fig 2.1.2. The Visual Album and Imperfection by Beyoncé

5. Storyboard
Fig 2.1.3. Storyboard
Other than the photos and videos that were not presently shot, I used the X-Space classroom in campus to shoot the opening and ending part.
Fig 2.2.1. Opening - Behind the Scene

Other photos and videos - Behind the Scene :)
Fig 2.2.2. Content - Behind the Scene

The size I have chosen is 16:9 because the 16:9 aspect ratio is a standard widescreen format widely supported by various devices and platforms.

As we were not instructed to use any specific app to edit the video, I am using 剪映 (JianYing) in this project.
Fig 2.3.1. Editing in JianYing

JianYing benefits in its various choices of effect and filter and the ease of use. Another main reason of choosing JianYing as my editing tool is because I need many different filters for my footages and it helps me to simplify the steps.

Fig 2.3.2. Applying Filter #1 (Before and After)

Fig 2.3.3. Applying Filter #2 (Before and After)

Final Project 2B: Insta Video

Lastly I upload it to my Instagram account.
Link: Final Project 2B: Insta Video

Fig 2.4.1. Final Project 2B: Insta Video


Creating my was like putting together a puzzle of storytelling by studying other videos and then making my own. From thinking up ideas to actually making the videos, every step taught me something valuable. It wasn't just about copying the style; it was about understanding why the original creators did certain things in their videos. This hands-on experience not only made me better at making videos but also made me appreciate how much thought goes into filmmaking and creating content.

Making both production shoot video and Instagram video taught me to pay really close attention to details. I learned by watching how the trailers and self-titled videos I looked up to told stories. Every shot and every cut seemed to have a purpose, and even things like lighting and music played a big role.

From this project, I learned more than just making videos; I learned how to communicate better through visuals. I found out how using symbols, colors, and the speed of the video can make a big difference. Also, making my Instagram video made me realize how important it is to be myself and not just copy others. It was a challenge to mix their style with my own personality, but it made my video more real and meaningful.
