Video and Sound Production - Project 3: Stop Motion

27.10.2023 - 30.11.2023 / Week 09 - Week 14
Tan Zhao Yi / 0363285
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 3 / Stop Motion



Project 3: Stop Motion

We were required to produce a at least 1 minute stop motion video. In this task, sound effect, voice over and music can be used to tell a compelling story. 

1. No more than 2 characters and locations.
2. Only 1 event.
3. Less than 15 shots.
4. Final video presented in: 
    ▪ Screen Resolution: 1080p(Full HD), 16:9(Wide Screen)
    ▪ Frame Rate: 24 / 25fps
    ▪ Field Option: Progressive Scan
    ▪ Audio Quality: 48kHZ, 16-bits stereo
    ▪ Compression: H.264


1. Research
I searched for some examples of Stop Motion in YouTube for reference.
Fig 1.1. Reference

2. Storyboard
As Mr. Martin mentioned that we can have a group mate to work with, I teamed up with Cai Yi. She been in charge of the props and costumes, and create the storyboard. In the other hand, I took responsibility of the D.O.P and post-production editing.
Fig 2.1. Storyboard

We decided to shoot in the design studio (E1.01) and borrowed the lighting. We are using Stop Motion app to shoot. As the D.O.P., my responsibility is to make sure the shot is in a appropriate size and the camera doesn't move around too much while we change the scene.
Fig 3.1. Props 

Fig 3.2. Production - Behind the Scene

Throughout the shooting process, we effectively managed time, completing the shoot within the allocated 5-hour timeframe.
Fig 3.3. Original Video

Before editing, I asked Cai Yi to record the dialogue:

Hermione: Omg! I can't believe you just saved me from that Ferris wheel disaster. That was incredible!
Harry: Are you alright?
Hermione: I'm a bit shaken, but thank to you, I'm safe now. I didn't know you could transform and fly like that.
Harry: Well, sometimes a bit of magic comes in handy. I was just in the right place at the right time.
Hermione: Right place or not, you're my hero today!
Harry: No need for thanks, it's my pleasure to help.

Fig 4.1. Dialog Recorded
Sound effects were downloaded in
Fig 4.2. Sound Effects
I begin the editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. 
Fig 4.3. Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro

After editing the clips sequence, I worked on fixing up the colours in the video. I tweaked them to match the vibe I wanted for each part. To keep things looking consistent and smooth, I saved some settings and used them throughout the video. This way, everything looked cohesive and had the right feel.

Fig 4.4. Colour Correction

Also I add a rolling credits at the end of the video.
Fig 4.5. Rolling Credit Video Creating

Final Project 3: Stop Motion

Submission Folder Google Drive Link: Final Project
Fig 5.1. Final Project 3: Stop Motion - MP4


Doing the stop motion shooting project was really fun! I got to be creative and make things move in my own little movie. It was a bit challenging to figure out how to position everything just right, but I learned a lot while doing it. I felt proud seeing my ideas come to life on the screen, even though it took some patience to capture all the tiny movements.

During the project, I noticed that small changes in how I moved the objects made a big difference in the final video. Paying attention to details, like the lighting and angles, helped make the scenes look more interesting. It was cool to see how each frame added up to tell a story. I also realized that planning ahead and being organized made the whole process smoother.

In the end, I found that stop motion is a unique way to express ideas. It's not about having fancy equipment, but more about being creative with what you have. I discovered that taking my time and making thoughtful choices in each frame made the animation turn out better. It was a neat experience, and I can see how I can use these skills for other projects in the future.
